Lello Ariete Burr Coffee Grinder Review

Lello  Ariete Burr Coffee Grinder(UPDATE 2008: What's with the $50.00 price tag?When I bought this, it was $30.00 and well worth the price!It still works as I've listed below, but I would never contend that there aren't better grinders.At $50.00, it's approaching the price of more functional machines.Yes, it works well, but $50.00?)

This grinder works well.It's a very significant improvement over my blade grinder.It has two ridged wheels facing one another with an angle of somewhere between 10 and 20 degrees between the edges of the wheels.The beans go in the hopper up on top and fall through the shoot into the spinning wheels.The ridges on the wheels are dull to the touch, so the beans get crushed as they pass through with no cutting occuring at all.The grounds come out extraordinarily uniform in size and by turning the hopper, you can select a grind size from the fineness of flour upwards to a size larger than one would generally use for drip.It's also very fast; MUCH faster than a blade grinder.Unlike the reviews I've read of other low-priced burr grinders, this one is very clean.The chute from which the grounds are expelled projects slightly into the collecting bin, so they are all neatly collected without spillage.The collecting bin comes off of the grinder, which makes sticking a scoop in the bin to transport the grounds to the espresso filter easy.Also, because the whole collecting bin comes off, it's easy to rinse the bin in the sink after every use.The body of the machine is made up of about one quarter stainless steel and three quarters plastic.Of some concern to me is the report of a later poster that his machine is all plastic: I wonder if Lello altered the machine construction since I posted my review in April of 2006?Ah well, I can only report on my own results...

Unlike another reviewer, I had no problems manipulating the various parts of the grinder (e.g., removing the collecting bin), the collecting bin's cover did not fly off spontaneously, and the hopper cover was easy to lift off of the machine.I do agree with one reviewer that, unlike a blade grinder, this machine is a bit large to store in a cabinet between cans of tunafish.Plan on setting it on the counter.

The two potential complaints I have about it don't bother me much:
1- It's very loud, but because it grinds so quickly, this doesn't bother me, as it's not loud for long.
2- You select the amount that you want the machine to grind, but at the lowest amount and the finest setting, it doesn't grind the amount selected, so I have to set the dial to grind for four cups when I want two.Not a big deal once you figure it out.

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Lello Ariete Burr Coffee Grinder

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